Ágiles 2009 is the main Latin-American conference about agile software development. This year we expect to gather more than 500 agile enthusiasts coming from Latin America and other regions all over the world.
We would be honored to count on your participation in helping to build this environment for discussion and collaborative growth.
Please review Ágiles 2009 Sponsorship Opportunities.
ThoughtWorks ThoughtWorks, Inc. is a global IT consultancy providing systems development, consulting, and transformation services to Global 1000 companies. The company's pioneering approach, which includes industry-acclaimed Agile and Lean best practices, helps CIOs maximize investment performance across a portfolio of complex, business critical applications, while reducing time and risk. ThoughtWorks' 1000 professionals serve clients from offices in Australia, Canada, China, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. ThoughtWorks Studios is the company's specialist product division, which develops the next generation of tools for custom software development, including Studios Mingle®, Cruise® and Twist®. For more information, visit us online: www.thoughtworks.com |
Industrial Logic Industrial Logic helps organizations scale agility faster by providing state-of-the-art transitions and training in Extreme Programming (XP) and Agile Management. Our coaches are pioneers of the XP/Agile movement who work with executives, managers, customers, programmers, testers, auditors and others to successfully transition whole departments and organizations to agility. Our innovative and economical eLearning albums have helped companies successfully improve the skills of thousands of people around the globe. If you’re looking for genuine experts in Agile Software Development, contact us today. |
Globo.com A Globo.com é a divisão Internet das Organizações Globo, maior grupo de mídia da América Latina, posicionada entre os maiores portais do país, com quase 14 milhões de visitantes únicos e mais de 1,2 bilhão de pageviews servidos por mês. Seus sites são líderes absolutos nas categorias em que concorrem, entre eles: G1 em Notícias, globoesporte.com em Esportes, GloboVídeos em Broadcast Media, Big Brother Brasil em Entretenimento, Ego em Celebridades e outros. Seu Datacenter sustenta um dos maiores tráfegos da Internet Brasileira, mantendo taxas de até 15 Gb/s. Tendo adotado o SCRUM como metodologia de desenvolvimento em 2007, a Globo.com conta hoje com mais de 18 times SCRUM, permitindo a rápida adaptação as demandas do mercado. |
VersionOne |
Baufest Baufest is an international Software Engineering company, acknowledged to be pioneering in applying the best industry practices in software development. Raised in 1991, Baufest delivers value to its customers through Custom Made Software Solutions and Software Engineering Consulting Services. Baufest successfully implemented over 400 multi-platform projects for companies of different industries, in more than 30 countries. At present time Baufest employs more than 160 professionals, has offices in Argentina, Mexico and Spain, and partners with IBM, SAP, SUN, Oracle, Microsoft and RedHat. |
Scrum Alliance Providing over 50,000 members with certification in various levels of Scrum knowledge and practice, the Scrum Alliance is a non-profit organization focused on the promotion, education and development of the Scrum framework. Trainers certified by the Scrum Alliance provide Scrum courses throughout the world and offer onsite coaching and training. The Scrum Alliance also hosts yearly Gatherings, which provide unique opportunities for Scrum users of all experience levels to gather together to learn about and share Scrum experiences. Certification class schedules, Scrum Gathering details, Scrum resources and information are available at www.scrumalliance.org. |
Agilar |
AdaptWorks A AdaptWorks atua, através de treinamentos e coaching em Scrum e outros métodos ágeis, no processo de adaptação cultural de seus clientes que buscam agilidade e melhores resultados em projetos. Com clientes no Reino Unido, Portugal e em diversos estados do Brasil, a AdaptWorks oferece ao mercado uma excelente combinação de coaching e treinamentos que suportam todo o processo de transformação cultural necessário para vencer com Scrum. |
Agile Alliance |